Monday, September 15, 2008

Panda Bear - Bros

The meaning of words change over time, it can happen. The latest word to cause vocabular (is that a word) puzzlement is AWARD. What i once understood an award to be was acknowledgment for doing something exceptional. This definition now seems rather quaint. Music awards are particularly insulting to the old definition. Consider the recent MTV awards who regurgitated all their awards to Britney. The Mercury Music Prize which to be honest was never really a bastion of greatness (I can even hardly bring myself to say their name but they once awarded ...Gomez) last week honoured lumpen stodge rockers elbow.

I see a pattern here, all you need to be awarded is to name your band using a completely boring 5 letter word. Mercury my new band is called LOUTH and I expect to be on the shortlist for next year NOW!!.

Heres a video by a band that should have won the Mercury, but thats going by the old definition.


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